Tuesday, February 9

PACKAGING DESIGN: Kraken spiced rum

The devil is in the detail...

What is there not to like about the packaging and branding for 'Kraken Rum' designed by Stranger & Stranger?
Who would have thought a bottle of booze could evoke such a unique user experience and largely through design....even if you were teetotal, how could you resist an object of such beauty?

Named after a sea beast of myth & legend; "PUT A BEAST IN YOUR BELLY" the slogan says, and weighing at 94 proof, one imagines Kraken spiced rum does exactly that.

As part of an integrated campaign, creative agency 'Dead As We Know It' were charged with the task of  revealing the backstory of the rum and the kraken; they produced a three part web movie which is both stylish and humorous. I have added 'Chapter one' The Anatomy of the Kraken' below this post for your viewing pleasure.

Oh, for those of you interested, I'm told the drink itself has a solid kick, and a strong molasses, cinnanmon, and vanilla flavour, nevertheless it almost seems criminal to open the bottle.